How to Optimize Image in WordPress Blog - is a topic of discussion this article, where with the optimization of the image is one strategy to get visitors from the world's largest search engine like google and yahoo to stop at our own web pages with a keyword.
To find visitors from search engines you do not always have to optimize keywords or backlinks for your blog is always flooded with visitors from search engines. With any image optimize your blog a great opportunity to get visitors from search engines.
Actually it is not difficult to optimize the images on your blog, you only need to add a title attribute and / or alt in each url / address of the picture, eg like this :
<img src="" />
To optimize it, live you add the title and / or alt as below :
<img title="titlepicture" alt="titlepicture" src="http://www.yourdomain.
com/addressimage.jpg" />
com/addressimage.jpg" />
In addition to optimize an image for more search engine friendly, use title and alt attributes according to what I learned will make a picture to be valid XHTML (transitional)
Maybe you think, how to articles on the blog if you reach hundreds or even thousands, if need to add a second attribute of each picture was probably going to take a very long time, indeed, lazy who came icon mrgreen Image Optimization To Get Visitors from Search Engines. Do not worry, you can use a plugin SEO Friendly Images.
SEO Friendly Images is a Wordpress optimization plugin which automatically updates all images by adding the ALT and TITLE attributes. If your image does not have ALT and TITLE, SEO Friendly Images will add them according to your settings on the menu option / choice. In addition, it also will make a post / article to be valid W3C/xHTML.
For that please you menginstallkan plugin if you want to optimize all the images on your blog and also for all your articles W3C/xHTML valid.
Hopefully these tips can be useful and be a reference for the future mate.