Undeniably, a website or blog indexed by Google will appear at the top of search results in Google search engine, and certainly have a better chance visited by Internet users, but if your blog has been indexed by Google.
Many people who say blogs are not yet a year old will not be indexed Google, and usually are indexed then only a few of these numerous blogs blog world, but I do not believe in it, would sooner or later than a blog indexed depends on several factors used by Google, these factors are :
- The title of the blog page, the search usually Google will customize the blog title with the word or phrase that people use to search Google search is boxed, as an example is when you type A Practical Guide How to Create a Blog Google.co.id, then what emerges is a blog that has same title and almost the same keywords that you used before the Practical Guide How to Create a Blog, which is why change the title of your blog in accordance with your target keywords.
- Submit a sitemap or in Indonesian when his Sitemaps to google.com / webmasters / tools, there you will be prompted to enter your address sitemap to Google, to users of Blogger.com platform you can put your sitemap with atom.xml address, such as sample agungbijaksana.blogspot.com / atom.xml, after that you will be given a code of Meta, to be paired in your blog, more specific ways you can find on Google, the purpose of registration of this sitemap so that Google can quickly find out the amount of your post without having to open your blog.
- Register your blog to blogsearch.google.com / ping, there also you just enter your blog's sitemap address like the example above, the function of your sitemap registration this time is for Google to know about the existence of your blog.
- Give some link that directed to your blog, usually this means that most affect the fast or slow your blog indexed and entered in web search results on Google, a link that we created is called Backlink, to get backlinks can be reached in different ways, ways My favorite is to seek bancklink commented on the blog or websites that I visit, I like the way to find backlinks by commenting on the website people, because it is free, and can be done quickly, so I can get a lot of backlinks in a day, you need to know more and more backlinks that you can into your blog Google will increasingly happy to visit your blog so your blog can appear at number 1 Google search results, backlinks this way of working together with the way the presidential election in Indonesia, more and more voters choose you for the opportunity to be the number 1 in Indonesia even greater.
Perform the four quick way Google had indexed in a row, maybe your blog will be indexed in Google within 1 month, how to check if your blog is already indexed or not is by typing site: alamatbloganda.com on Google, when it appeared meaningful to your blog already indexed by Google.